An annual parasitic plant, growing froom the base of the broom plant and some other plants.
It is shaped somewhat like a cross between a pine cone and a pineapple, with thick, fleshy stems and large, yellow flowers that grow smaller as the plant's apex. The stems are gathered in the spring, dried in the sun and cut into slices for medicinal use.
In traditional Chinese medicine, cistanche is used to replenish blood and strengthen kidney yang. It is most commonly used to treat impotence and premature ejaculation; pain in the lower back and knees and constipation. Some studies suggest cistanche can treat some cases of infertility and lower blood pressure.
Interesting facts of Cistanche
Cistanche is used to replenish blood and Kidney-Jin in Chinese Medicine. It is to use for impotence and disturbance of menstruation. Since the characteristic of this herb is warm (not hot), blend and sweet, thus it does not give a strong action.
Cistanche stem is a rejuvenating kidney tonic, helping to support and enhance function of the kidneys. It is useful when kidney function is too weak (as in cases of water retention) or in cases where the function of the kidneys is not balanced by the function of other organs (as in urinary incontinence).
Cistanches are also useful for impotence in men, and result in increased sexual ability rather than increased sex drive.
Extracted from: http://www.mdidea.com/
Others benefits
- memory improvement
- learning enhancement
- prevents heart and brain infarction
- anti-oxidant that protects neurons
- accelerates neuron growth and repair
- improves general health and reduces fatigue
1 comment:
this ingredient was found in vitality coffee from http://www.herbscafe.com
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