Cnidium Monnieri is a herb grown in china Cnidium Monnier has been used in Chinese medicine for over a thousand years as a natural sex booster and for skin problems. Cnidium Monnier naturally increases nitric oxide in the body. The body makes nitric oxide (NO) from the amino acid L-Arginine, NO is a vasodilator (vasodilators causing the blood vessels to relax) that increases your body's ability to deliver blood to working muscles (with more NO athletes can expect increased muscle size, strength, endurance and quicker recovery times). Studies have shown that Cnidium Monnieri may have anti-histamine, anti-itch, anti fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Cnidium Monnieri may also increase bone strength.
Many supplements for energy enhancements and body building contain this herb. And they work synergistically with other energy enhancing ingredients like green tea extract and CLA to increase energy and better energy consumption. People wishing to reduce weight can actually look into this herb as part of their daily supplements regime.
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