Cordyceps sinensis is a traditional and precious dried Chinese Medicinal herb belonging to the fungus category. It is a peculiar fungus that grows on certain caterpillars native to the high mountains of China, thus it is also known as "caterpillar mushroom". In Chinese, it is called "Dong Chong Xia Cao" or " winter worm summer grass" as it is actually a fungus in the winter, which turns into herb in the summer. It is naturally found in the highlands of China, Tibet and Nepal above 10,000 feet. The fruiting bodies have long been used to enhance endurance and speed recovery from exhaustion. Cordyceps Sinensis is a tonic that is good for bodily nourishment and for stimulating brain activity.
In the past, only the emperors of China and upper class of the community can afford Cordyceps Sinensis due to its short supply and exclusively high cost. Now, Cordyceps Sinensis has been successfully cultured in laboratory for higher and purer harvest. It is quite readily available and has been used by athletes to improve their performance. Test showed that Cordyceps Sinensis contains abundance of nutrients and active ingredients such as cordycepic acid, cordypin, amino acids, glutamic acid, polysaccharides and vitamin B12. Research shows that cordycepic acid in Cordyceps sinensis can relax the bronchia and strengthen the adrenal glands.
Long term administration can reinforce the body against foreign attacks, improve the functioning of organs, strengthen immune system and in turn help to bring longevity. Benefits of Cordyceps sinensis Cordyceps sinensis has properties similar to ginseng, being used to strengthen and restore the body vitality. According to the Chinese Medicine, it is a potent herb that deals with blood circulation, respiratory system and impotency. Cordyceps sinensis can be considered a general health tonic due to its potency in improving immunity, strengthening the kidneys and lung functions, improving appetite, regulating menstruation, reducing phlegm and treating insomnia. It is also used to treat coughs, inflammation of the lungs, asthma, sensitive noses and back aches.
1) A respiratory tonic, Cordyceps increase endurance owing to its relaxing effects on the airways. Cordyceps sinensis has been used in treating various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis. Research also indicated that Cordyceps enhances oxygen intake by the brain and heart while improving resistance to hypoxia. It helps building up the endurance of athletes.
2) Protecting the kidney The primary use of Cordyceps sinensis in traditional medicine is in the treatment of kidney disorders. It improves kidney functions and it was shown to return levels of infection-fighting T cells to normal in kidney transplant patients. Cordyceps sinensis can prevent the kidney damage caused by antibiotics and other drugs without reducing their antibiotic effect.
3) Strengthening the immune system Cordyceps appears to be one of the most adaptive immuno modulators. It has been the subject of many studies in immuno stimulation and has shown potent effects. The active constituents are water soluble polysaccharides. Hunan Medical University has conducted a study on the ability of Cordyceps to stimulate natural killer cell activity in 1992. Researchers found definite activation of NK cells in cell cultures and in animals and significant anti-tumor activity.
4) A traditional Treatment for Impotence In Chinese medicine, Cordyceps has a long history of practical use in replenishing sperm and relieving sexual impotence.
5) Enhancing liver function Studies have shown that cordyceps can help treat some liver diseases. In one clinical trial, cirrhosis of the liver following hepatitis was treated with Cordyceps, which was found to improve symptoms and liver-cell structures dramatically.
6) Lowering cholesterol level Clinical studies have shown that cordyceps can reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol and increase the amount of HDL cholesterol in people of all ages.
7) Improving symptoms of fatigue There are many indications for the use of Cordyceps in treatment of fatigue and weakness, and it is used by athletes and non athletes of all age groups.
Extracted from: https://www.storesonline.com/
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